Delete Record

Occasionally, you may need to delete a record. However, once Access deletes a record, it is gone forever! So be careful when deleting records. Access will question you to make sure you want to delete the record.

Delete Record #2

Click Record #2 in the Record Selection column . This is the left-most column.

    Access highlights Record #2.

Press the Del key

    Access double checks to make sure you want to delete this record.


    Access deletes the Record #2.

Your table now has nine records and should look like the one below:

Notice in the "Trans" column, Access displays Trans #1 and #3. However #3 is actually Record #2. Why? Access had assigned a Trans (Transaction number) of 2 to the record you just deleted. After this record is deleted, this number will not be reissued.

Now your turn! Try it!